Safe and Compassionate Abortion Care

Abortion Pill Bouton Iowa

Abortion Pill Bouton Iowa

This method is used to end early pregnancies. It is not approved yet for later pregnancies, and is an option for up to ten weeks since the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). Less than 2% of people who take Mifepristone in Bouton IA will need a surgical procedure to end the pregnancy or to stop bleeding.

A medication abortion in Bouton Iowa is done using 2 different medications. The first medication is called Mifepristone. Mifepristone is a pill that blocks the hormone that helps the pregnancy to grow. This is given along with another medication known as Misoprostol. Misoprostol causes your body to expel the pregnancy. This two step option is a safe and effective way of having an abortion at your home or wherever you decide to be during this process.

Medication Abortion Pill Bouton Iowa

Mifeprex is a pill that blocks the growth hormone to the pregnancy. This is given along with a few other medications to cause you to expel the pregnancy in the privacy of your own home. This type of procedure requires you to have a follow-up appointment 10-14 days post-abortion.

How a First Trimester Abortion Is Done Bouton IA

24 hours after taking the Abortion Pill in Bouton IA you will take a series of four (4) Cytotec tablets over three (3) hours. You place one (1) tablet in your upper cheek and jaw for about an hour and it dissolves. An hour later repeat on the other side. An hour after the second dose you place two (2) tablets in your upper jaw, on each side, for about an hour and let them dissolve. Cytotec causes cramping and bleeding, and may also cause nausea, diarrhea, and other symptoms. This is the abortion pill which causes your uterus to expel any products of conception.

You will receive the necessary medications (including for the pain of cramping) in the clinic, and follow-up instructions, including what you should do in the event of a complication.

You will need to make an appointment for a check-up visit, usually about two (2) weeks after the abortion. This appointment only takes about ten (10) minutes. If you were found to still be pregnant or have any products of conception remaining in your uterus we would offer the surgical procedure at no cost (See 1st Trimester Surgical).

There are no restrictions following a medical abortion.

Pregnancy tests can read positive for up to six (6) weeks post abortions.

Birth Control: You can become pregnant again right after your pregnancy ends. To avoid any unwanted or unplanned pregnancy start using birth control immediately.

The doctor may also recommend that patients start some form of birth control to help regulate hormones and bleeding to normal at a faster rate.


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