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First Trimester Surgical Abortion Care

First Trimester Surgical Abortion Care – Up to 14 weeks

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Facts About First Trimester Abortion

This type of a first trimester abortion is done to end a pregnancy within 14 weeks of the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP). First, an ultrasound is done by passing a microphone-like instrument over your abdomen which measures the size of your pregnancy. Sometimes in very early pregnancy, we have to use an instrument that is placed in your vagina to get a clearer picture. The final decision as to whether the abortion may be performed in the clinic will depend on your medical history, the physical exam, lab tests and the doctor’s evaluation.

This procedure begins by giving a numbing medicine around the opening of the cervix. The opening is then dilated using dilators (smooth instruments that start small and slowly get bigger in size) to dilate little by little. Gentle suction is then used to remove all pregnancy tissue. This process typically only takes about 5-10 minutes. This procedure is offered with and without IV Sedation.

Birth control: You can become pregnant again right after your pregnancy ends. To avoid any unwanted or unplanned pregnancy, start using birth control immediately. The doctor may also recommend that patients start some form of birth control to help regulate hormones and bleeding to normal at a faster rate.

Pregnancy Calculator

Enter the first day of your last period to see your options.

Please use this calculator before selecting your options. Note: Seeing a trained medical professional is the only way to accurately determine the length of your pregnancy and what options are available.

What sets us apart?

If you’re in Nebraska or Maryland and need safe, compassionate abortion care, contact our Bellevue or Bethesda location today. Schedule your appointment now for expert medical support tailored to your needs.