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Safe and Compassionate Abortion Care

Late Term Abortion Missouri

Late Term Abortion Missouri

When abortion becomes the choice you have to make in Missouri, we believe you deserve the very best.

Third Trimester Abortion Missouri

Founded May 1, 1992 by LeRoy and Mary Lou Carhart, our mission is to provide late term abortions in Missouri for those who dont have access, contraception and routine medical care to women and men in a compassionate, comfortable and personal environment. We recognize the needs of each client as an individual, while attempting to keep costs as affordable as possible. Every member of our team has pledged to make your experience with us one we would want for our sisters, our partners, our mothers and our daughters. And we want you to know, you are not alone. One of every three women of child bearing age in the United States will have or has had an abortion.

We provide assistance to women in Missouri with late term abortions, third trimester abortions, abortion after 27 weeks, maternal indication abortions, fetal indication abortions, and birth control.

Abortion After 27 Weeks Missouri

Facts About Induction Procedure (25 Weeks And Up):
This is normally a 3 day procedure depending on your medical history. First, an ultrasound will be done. This is done by passing a microphone-like instrument over your abdomen (belly) which measures the size of your pregnancy. The final decision as to whether the induction can be done will depend on your medical history, physical exam, lab tests, and the doctor’s evaluation. On the first day the cervix is slowly opened with plastic or metal rods, each one slightly bigger than the last. When the cervix is as open as possible, small sponges (laminaria) that take up water from your body will be placed; they swell and continue to open the cervix overnight. The next morning the laminaria are removed and new laminaria are placed. This is repeated as needed until the cervix is adequately open. The induction abortion ends with the start of labor and delivery of a stillborn.

Birth control: You can become pregnant again right after your pregnancy ends. To avoid any unwanted or unplanned pregnancy start using birth control immediately.
*We strongly suggest planning an extra day with your visit with us. Sometimes an extra day for dilation is needed for later abortions in Missouri.

What sets us apart?

If you’re in Nebraska or Maryland and need safe, compassionate abortion care, contact our Bellevue or Bethesda location today. Schedule your appointment now for expert medical support tailored to your needs.